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Must Have Services For Your Salon And Spa

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When it comes to salon and spa services, women have very deep pockets. Salons and spas are places where peak relaxation is sought after. Relaxation is quite a subjective term, which leads to a wide range of services being offered to achieve that feeling for its customers. These services range from hair treatments that take a few hours to various express services. Salon software providers took a look at what new services are being added to salon and spa menus around the world. 

Volume Hair Treatments

Many women struggle with their hair looking flat day in and day out. This has led to a rise in hair treatments to bring out more volume to become really popular at salons. Your volume hair treatments should include using shampoo and conditioners to bring out more volume. There are serums and sprays that are available as well that can be good services for women looking for volume treatments. 

Scalp Treatments

A damaged scalp can be the result of a lot of different things. Poor products and frequent dying can cause damage to your scalp. Scalp damage can be uncomfortable and damage other parts of your hair. Scalp treatments are very relaxing and can protect your scalp. Scalp treatments can range from various serums, shampoos, and massages. 

Hot Towel Treatments

Hot towel treatments are very common in old fashion male barbershop settings after a nice shave. For salons, hot towel treatments are a very simple and easy addition that can help soothe your client. A hot towel treatment consists of placing a damp hot towel on a person’s neck, face, and shoulders. Price a hot towel treatment effectively and watch your margins on other services grow. 


Shoulder and neck massages are another great addition to a salon or spa service offering. This is a great option because it requires additional training and no added equipment to your floor space. Many employees would be happy to learn a new skill that can help them put more tips into their pockets. Massages are a great way to keep nurturing your clients and achieve an, even more, relaxing atmosphere. 

Hair Masks

Hair masks are another popular service that can help clients restore their hair back to normal. Hair can become easily damaged and dull throughout the year. Restorative hair masks can quickly revitalize your client’s hair. While the hair mask is on, you are also able to perform other services as well which is a very efficient use of time.

I hope this helps!

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